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An astrological age lasts for 2,160 years due to the earth's slow precessional rotation. A Great Year is equal to 25,920 years of precession, which is divided into 12 zodiac signs.
"Though there be many who condemn judicial astrology, I consider it to be a noble science and worthy of study, especially by physicians."
- Tycho Brahe - Astronomer
An Astrological age is defined by the constellation or the sidereal zodiac where the Sun is positioned at the vernal equinox. This method was introduced by Hipparchus in 127 BC while determining precession. Each zodiac sign is comprised of 30 degrees, and an astrological age is believed to last around 2160 years (72 years X 30 degrees). This implies that the sun moves in a backward direction against fixed stars across the equator at the vernal equinox at a rate of one degree in seventy-two years, one constellation (on average) in about 2160 years, and the whole twelve signs in about 25,920 years, which is also known as a Platonic Year. However, the length of the ages decreases with time as the rate of precession is increasing, which means that no two ages are of equal length.
Humankind has gone through six primary periods, which correspond to the 12 tropical zodiac signs, according to astrologers all across the world.
The ages we go through are a reflection of the evolution of our spirit, which encompasses the processes of our mind, body, and spirit. As the creators of our own reality, our spirit has put energies into matter to give rise to our physical body and mind. Now, we seek to understand the nature of this matter. Similarly, each galaxy is associated with 12 aspects, just as we have 12 signs of the zodiac. The animals and themes are there so we can have a better understanding of the energy of each of the 12 signs. The Body is ruled by the moon and the Mind and Spirit are ruled by the sun. It is important to have balance.
The zodiac is a tool that helps us understand who we are and how time works. It's like a clock that ancient cultures used to comprehend the cycle of the planet's evolution. By studying the clock, we can see when empires rise and fall. Every civilization reaches a peak and eventually declines. Change is the only constant, and it's an expression of learning and experience. The planet and the souls on it are here to learn and experience life to achieve spiritual growth. This happens through the four elements: earth, air, water, and fire, and the three pillars of reality: time, space, and the mind. Each element has a trinity to experience: the mind (spirit), body (material existence in matter), and soul. Each trinity has a process to complete to bring us closer to understanding. Despite our efforts, the clock will always move forward, and we must accept it and embrace the next phase of time and space. The four elements and three trinities combine to form 12 processes that the planet and individuals go through while here.
The Age of Sagittarius was approximately very long ago, before human beings existed.
The time of Sagittarius was when the planet was the process of the spirit (mind of the universe) in the element of fire. This is when all The Galactic Confederation came from the galaxy and went to all the portals of the planet on Earth. This
The Age of Sagittarius was approximately very long ago, before human beings existed.
The time of Sagittarius was when the planet was the process of the spirit (mind of the universe) in the element of fire. This is when all The Galactic Confederation came from the galaxy and went to all the portals of the planet on Earth. This is when The Confederation had certain alien beings taught fire to the homo sapien sapiens living here, the campfire where they cooked their food for the first time... which aided in their survival here on earth and taught the people here the spiritual mind on earth. It is when the women were taught philosophy and alchemy, so they could understand the spirit of the universe.
This is the period of the snake and the lizard, as the planet was very hot at this time. Women were taught alchemy and to respect the snake.
The Goddesses of Willendorf and Kostenki sculptures have both been dated from 21,000 BCE or older. We see through these artifacts honoring the feminine, as well as the aesthetic, and artistic abilities of people who are not barbarous cave dwellers.
The Age of Scorpio taught us how to survive in the darkness. That is why the process of Scorpio in history was the time when the "Eagles" fell from the sky to earth... and when, eventually the Aessir (the Anunnaki) were eventually forced to live in the underground after mating with the homo sapien sapiens here to create humans and those t
The Age of Scorpio taught us how to survive in the darkness. That is why the process of Scorpio in history was the time when the "Eagles" fell from the sky to earth... and when, eventually the Aessir (the Anunnaki) were eventually forced to live in the underground after mating with the homo sapien sapiens here to create humans and those that would eventually become Atlanteans. They went from being able to fly high as eagles here on earth until they were forced into the underground like a scorpion, according to Matías De Stefano.
The Sumerian Cuneiform tablets found state these Sumerian gods were in fact aliens that landed on earth in Mesopotamia. These beings arrived on Earth from the planet of Nibiru. They needed gold for the failing atmosphere of their planet as a means to repair it. They are represented as winged giant gods with coneheads, and some have faces like birds with beaks. They are very human-like wearing what is similar to wristwatches in their depictions. They imparted advanced technological knowledge to Earth to move society forward. In the Sumerian texts, they are revered as very special divine beings. Of course, if you just arrived to a new planet and wanted to stake your claim, you would depict yourself as being awesome, right?
When the Anunnaki made it to Earth to mine for gold, they realized it would be an exhausting, hardworking, and difficult feat. They decided to finally mate with the human beings that had grown organically on earth to create workers to mine the gold for them. This is not what they were supposed to do when they got here... create slaves... they were supposed to merely merge their blood with the beings on earth to make them stronger. This is recorded on clay tablets that detail the accounts of the creation of Earth, man, and the lives of the visitors. Two palaces were excavated that held sacred archives totaling from 20,000 to 30,000 tablets. Documented on seven of these tablets is the Babylonia creation story called the Enuma Elish also known as the “seven tablets of creation”. The Sumerian tablets are very detailed.
The Enuma Elish distinctly describes alien space travelers who possessed a highly advanced knowledge of genetic engineering with the manipulation of DNA in human beings. Through many trials, the Anunnaki began to created a dutiful worker in the form of humans.
The process of the soul in the expression of Libra, an Air sign, is the balance that was brought to Earth by the Arturian aliens from a planet in the constellation of Taurus and the Syrius aliens, also from the same constellation, but from a different planet.
This time was when The Galactic Federation was looking to help the civilization
The process of the soul in the expression of Libra, an Air sign, is the balance that was brought to Earth by the Arturian aliens from a planet in the constellation of Taurus and the Syrius aliens, also from the same constellation, but from a different planet.
This time was when The Galactic Federation was looking to help the civilization growing on Earth for a harmonious process for a balanced planet.
The Age of Virgo is where humans started as, well, humans! It is when homo sapiens transition to human beings. This is the time of the establishment of Atlantis. It was the time of order, where order is established within everything physical and everything created.
The Age of Leo spanned from 10,900 BC to 8,740 BC. During this period people worshiped the Sun and Solar Gods as a representation of the divine masculine.
"The process of igniting and recognizing the soul within. It is not power to take over the things that were created, but to take power of your own self. The fire element leads to the re
The Age of Leo spanned from 10,900 BC to 8,740 BC. During this period people worshiped the Sun and Solar Gods as a representation of the divine masculine.
"The process of igniting and recognizing the soul within. It is not power to take over the things that were created, but to take power of your own self. The fire element leads to the recognition of one's own power and the ability to take control of oneself. This is the time to elevate the kingdom within, to make the ego the process of the self.
Monarchy became the predominant political system, and influential leaders emerged across the globe.
This era was marked by an extraordinary outpouring of creativity and artistry.
However, abuse of power and self-worship, along with the misuse of technology, a theme associated with the opposite sign of Aquarius, were also prevalent. These factors contributed to the downfall of highly advanced civilizations: Atlantis and Mu.
This age went out with a huge flood altered the way of life for the entire world but led everyone who was left into the Age of Cancer.
During the period between 8,740 BC and 6,580 BC, people worshipped the Moon, Moon Goddesses, and the divine feminine. This was when the big flood came and we had no more unity and had families to help us to survive.
This meant we had to create new civilizations according to the water, thus the big flood - the big wager that separates all i
During the period between 8,740 BC and 6,580 BC, people worshipped the Moon, Moon Goddesses, and the divine feminine. This was when the big flood came and we had no more unity and had families to help us to survive.
This meant we had to create new civilizations according to the water, thus the big flood - the big wager that separates all into different realms and different kingdoms. There was no more unity as a global community, we had to survive in different families. This was the creation of the balance of our soul and the families that were split into the world because of the great fall (the Anunaki screwing things up causing the flood) and the great flood.
Figurines representing women, dating back to this time, have been found all over the world. This age was started by the huge destruction symbolized by a huge flood that happened along the sea coasts causing a need for "water defense". Thus, people moved inland and built communities along the river of matriarchal societies, where people started settling down, building homes, and communities, and honoring "the mother". Under the influence of the Constellation of Cancer, Mother, and her nurturing skills were exalted and worshipped. Cancer rules the mother, nurturing, family, home, and intuition.
Between approximately 6,580 BC and 4,420 BC, the Age of Gemini brought about a shift in focus towards the development of intellect, writing, language, trade, and movement of goods and people. During this time, the river settlements of Cancer grew into cities, and trade between different people of the world started appearing. It was a peri
Between approximately 6,580 BC and 4,420 BC, the Age of Gemini brought about a shift in focus towards the development of intellect, writing, language, trade, and movement of goods and people. During this time, the river settlements of Cancer grew into cities, and trade between different people of the world started appearing. It was a period of trade, exchange, communications, and connections, all of which are very Gemini-like.
The trinity of Air starts in the expression of Gemini and manifests for the body. This is the time of splitting their own ideas and trying to understand god in more than one way. Ideas were split in different ways.
Humans discovered the written word again, but at first, it was rudimentary glyphs. However, over time, writing became more complicated. People began traveling and became aware of duality, which was emphasized during the Age of Gemini. While intuition was highly valued during the previous Age of Cancer, the Age of Gemini emphasized the importance of the rational mind and verbal, and written communication.
Gemini also rules skills/arts, and so, reasoning, and logical abilities became more pronounced. The use of the rational brain took over the intuitive, and humans lost their telepathic power and psychic abilities, which were substituted with practical ones and verbal communication. Humans needed this because as the soul descended from Spirit into Matter, we had to lose contact with the Higher Worlds to develop our thinking processes.
The Age of Taurus lasted from approximately 4,420 BC to 2,260 BC. During this time, people were primarily focused on seeking pleasure, material possessions, and worshiping the body and senses. At this time we were to understand the physical reality and that we own this world and it is our home and we need to protect it. This was the time
The Age of Taurus lasted from approximately 4,420 BC to 2,260 BC. During this time, people were primarily focused on seeking pleasure, material possessions, and worshiping the body and senses. At this time we were to understand the physical reality and that we own this world and it is our home and we need to protect it. This was the time of Egypt, gold and minerals and building the biggest house we could possibly build, temples of Gods and honor the material world we created.
They prioritized building strong foundations, accumulating wealth, and creating a sense of security. Fertility was highly valued, while sexuality and death, which were associated with the opposite sign of Scorpio, were considered taboo. Taurus was the process of the body, to experience the material world and that we own this place and it is ours. It is the time of Egypt, gold, minerals, the biggest houses we have a time of honoring the materials on earth we could use.
During this era, humans developed advanced irrigation systems and more sophisticated agricultural methods. They constructed massive and sturdy buildings around the world, reflecting the durable and long-lasting nature of Taurus. Knowledge of the material realm and nature increased, and people became more identified with the physical, practical, and sensory experiences as their direct connection to the higher worlds was disappearing.
Many cultures worshiped the Bull or Cow, including the Egyptians, Indians, and Thracians. The beautiful and abundant feminine forms governed by Taurus were revered, and women had more power in society than we believed. Taurus is the sign of the producer, and production was at an all-time high during this age, particularly in the foundational sector.
The period between 2,260 BC and 100 BC is known as the Age of Aries, a time when the great military cultures of Egypt, Persia, Greece, Rome, and others rose to power. Spanning approximately from 2000 to 4000 years ago, the Age of Aries was marked by the dominance of fire, martial, and masculine qualities. This era celebrated cultures that
The period between 2,260 BC and 100 BC is known as the Age of Aries, a time when the great military cultures of Egypt, Persia, Greece, Rome, and others rose to power. Spanning approximately from 2000 to 4000 years ago, the Age of Aries was marked by the dominance of fire, martial, and masculine qualities. This era celebrated cultures that worshipped the perfect male body and male power, often at the expense of female-dominated societies. The trinity for the fire element was for the body, Aries... the process of ego. -to fight for something you believe is yours or claim to be the owner. The war time of arise showed we needed to fight for kingdoms and showed us we needed to take care of ourselves to survive on this planeet
During this time, many myths of mighty male heroes and warriors emerged, such as Moses, Hercules, Spartacus, and Alexander the Great. The belief in "an eye for an eye" became a mantra that drove the competitive and success-driven mentality of the age. Metallurgy flourished under the rule of Aries, thanks to the use of fire, and the Ram became a symbol of worship for many cultures, including the Jews, Egyptians, and Romans.
The Age of Aries was a time of great violence and destruction, as war and empires were prevalent. However, it was also a time when brave soldiers emerged as leaders, and the focus on achieving goals was at an all-time high. This era marked a shift from the feminine Yin energy of the Taurus Age to the masculine Yang energy of the Age of Aries, characterizing a significant transition in human history.
This was a time of ego, to fight for something you believe is yours, to take care of something you claim to be the owner... time time of fighting for kingdoms.
Over the last 2000 years, the Earth was in the Age of Pisces, which just ended in December 2019. This age was characterized by the dominance of Christianity, which was symbolized by the Fish, the symbol of Pisces. Interestingly, Jesus' disciples were fishermen, and he was the Lamb that was sacrificed, symbolizing the end of the preceding
Over the last 2000 years, the Earth was in the Age of Pisces, which just ended in December 2019. This age was characterized by the dominance of Christianity, which was symbolized by the Fish, the symbol of Pisces. Interestingly, Jesus' disciples were fishermen, and he was the Lamb that was sacrificed, symbolizing the end of the preceding age of Aries and the beginning of Pisces. This was when religion was trying to reach the spirit.
Throughout the Age of Pisces, religions forced us to look outside ourselves to find a connection to the Spirit, the Universe, and the wisdom of our bodies and nature. We were supposed to reach out from our physical mind and seek something called heaven.
However, this was also a time when practicality, represented by the opposite sign of Virgo, was suppressed by disillusioned ideas of purity, purification, chastity, and the belief that the body was inherently sinful, dirty, and antithetical to God. This was due to the idea of original sin, which propagated guilt and shame and was used to control the masses and prevent them from accessing their full human potential. Humans had to learn to believe in a Higher being, without the ability to feel or experience God directly -so faith and hope were also developed. This was an age of illusions, lies, suffering, victimization of the innocent, and martyrdom, another Pisces manifestation, but this softened the hardened materialistic souls and the firey fight of humans from the Aries influence and created a new impulse towards something perfect, the Divine, merging with the Higher.
The Age of Pisces was a time of significant progress, despite the challenges it faced. It brought about the development of compassionate qualities such as kindness, turning the other cheek, and sacrificing for an ideal or others, which were rare before that. It took humans 2000 years to adopt these traits naturally. Though this period had its fair share of barbaric moments, it also paved the way for some of the most refined musical and artistic pieces that were inspired by mysticism and had a compassionate and gentler soul. This entire process, though painful, was necessary to prepare our incarnating souls for the age of Aquarius, which is the age of brotherhood that we are currently in after it began in January 2020.
The Age of Pisces has ended, and as of January 2020, we are completely in the Aquarius AIR sign. This transition to the Age of Aquarius is an opportunity for us to gain a deeper understanding of our past and how we have been conditioned to forget the truth. We are being called to remember our true nature, access the wisdom within ourselve
The Age of Pisces has ended, and as of January 2020, we are completely in the Aquarius AIR sign. This transition to the Age of Aquarius is an opportunity for us to gain a deeper understanding of our past and how we have been conditioned to forget the truth. We are being called to remember our true nature, access the wisdom within ourselves, and find guidance. The veil is being lifted, the quarantine over the earth has ended and we are encouraged to trust ourselves rather than look for external saviors.
Aquarius is the process of the spirit in the element of air and to put the loss and everything we acquired within. It is the time to hold the ideas of the mind of the universe. It is time we reach god within.
The Age of Aquarius is the Age of Reason and Science. Since the Constellation of Aquarius started approaching the Vernal Equinox for the past 200 years, we have become an industrialized, mechanized, and now highly technological civilization. The higher octave of Aquarius is Science which is liberating for Humanity and gives us freedom to develop our true individuality and talents rather than having to just toil for survival.
The Lower octave of Aquarius is science used destructively (atomic bomb, pollution, etc) and even worse mechanical thinking, machine learning and AI becoming more human. This is the mind being disconnected from the heart, and time. Also totalitarian dictatorships, fascism, communism, corporationalism, etc.
However, the further we progress into the Age of Aquarius the more its higher manifestation will come into being--discovering new sources of free energy, working with Nature and not against it, technology proving the spiritual nature of Reality and the higher dimension and technology helping raise the vibration of human consciousness - so we can connect through telepathy rather than machines like we are now (Aquarius rules telepathy and clairvoyance). This means travel to space and connection to our alien neighbors as well. And of course, brotherhood, humanitarianism, freedom, justice, and equality are all higher manifestations of the Age of Aquarius.
Aquarius is the most global sign of all rules interconnected networks and friendships based on mutual vision--blood connections will no longer be as important--what will matter is that we are all connected. Social justice and equal, free access to resources will be available for everyone. "Divide and rule" will no longer be applied--it just will not work, as people will be seeing through it more and more. The internet is one of the most powerful connecting tools at the start of the Age of Aquarius-and it is helping us see and spread truth and awareness about the state of humans.
The Age of Aquarius will show the people how we are being misled by leaders trying to divide and rule us, but we will realize we are all the same with the same fears, hopes, and trepidations in the heart. Soon, wars will become extinct, (it might take another hundred years). By the end of the age of Aquarius, most humans will have developed a direct connection and interaction with the "Central Intelligence" of the Universe and we will have finally understood the mystery of the Cosmos. We will be Citizens of the United Cosmos! It's futuristic - that is Aquarius - the very original inventor.
This was in the experimentation of wisdom. Capricorn takes care of the process of the spirit and wisdom. This is when the Nemnir came to the planet so that was when the wise people from the heavens went to the caves to take care of the wisdom of the planet... long before humans existed.
While the exact dates are a bit fuzzy, the new Age of
This was in the experimentation of wisdom. Capricorn takes care of the process of the spirit and wisdom. This is when the Nemnir came to the planet so that was when the wise people from the heavens went to the caves to take care of the wisdom of the planet... long before humans existed.
While the exact dates are a bit fuzzy, the new Age of Capricorn is expected to kick off around 3,500 to 4,000 AD.
The inception of astrology is inextricably linked to the world's first civilization, the Sumerians of Mesopotamia. Situated between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, this civilization flourished around 4000 BCE and is credited with numerous pioneering advancements.
According to astrological theory, an astrological age reflects significant changes in culture, society, and politics of Earth's inhabitants. It corresponds to the twelve zodiac signs in Western astrology. When one cycle of the twelve astrological ages is about to be completed, another cycle of twelve ages begins, replacing the previous sign the age of the Earth was in. The ages flow backward through the astrological signs as the Earth's axis wobbles in a precessional or backward direction through the zodiac. Additionally, history indicates that the signs opposite the primary signs also significantly influence the history of each age.
There are cycles within each astrological age. Every 2160 years, there is an age that contains twelve smaller periods known as 'eras' that span 180 years each, and within each era, there are twelve phases that last for 15 years each. These smaller cycles indicate the progression of evolution within the larger cycle, but for some reason, they flow in a forward direction through the zodiac. While time appears to flow both forward and backward within the same astrological structure, these smaller periods make it possible to date the astrological ages with greater accuracy. They also indicate that the Western Gregorian calendar aligns with these ages. The Age of Pisces began at the point known as 0 BC, as the symbolism of the eras and phases accurately matches the timing of historical events. Eras and phases move forward through the signs of the zodiac, while the ages proceed backward. the recurring cycle of periods of the Renaissance (Sagittarius), classical periods (Capricorn), and scientific periods (Aquarius) that occur at the height of each age, and plant new seeds that will blossom in the upcoming new age.
Age of Aquarius
The Age of Aquarius is characterized by technological advances, communication, unexpected events (good or bad), humanitarianism, and the rise of the common man. It is ruled by Uranus. The Aquarian Age comes after the Piscean Age (the ages move backward). The Piscean Age is about struggle, sacrifice, and religious themes. It is ruled by water and the planet Neptune. Neptune is known as the planet of dreams, smoke, and mirrors. It is fluid and has a dreamy aspect that can quickly become delusional. The symbol of Christ and Christianity is fish, which is directly associated with the Piscean Age. This symbol represents two fish connected while swimming in different directions. People followed the dream and illusion of Christianity for over 2,000 years. However, humanity is just realizing today that Christ was not a man but was the sun. The apostles of Jesus were not men and one woman but the twelve signs of the zodiac. This dream was created by a Roman ruler so that he could rule all through one religion.
The term "Great Year" has two primary meanings. Scientific astronomy defines it as "The period of one complete cycle of the equinoxes around the ecliptic, or about 25,800 years." Currently, a more precise figure of 25,772 years is accepted.
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The Age of Virgo brought organization, medicine, health, and growing and planting wheat so food be provided all year round. This required a great deal of work, to establish an organized society with practical planning and where all the details could be considered. Practical application with the material earth for planting and building was the order of the day. The Virgin, as the symbol of Virgo, embodies the ideals of purity, cleanliness, and health. During the Age of Virgo, these themes are thought to have been central to the development of early human societies. The emphasis on purity can be seen in the rise of practices related to hygiene, food preparation, and the organization of living spaces.
The Age of Virgo: When Homo Sapiens Became Humans
The human beings that were in existence in the Age of Virgo - the Age of the Virgin, were just emerging at this time.
The stories of the Arturians, aliens that look like humans but have blue skin, came to Earth and "shared" and tested their DNA with some of the homo sapiens on Earth at this time. These Arturian beings are our ancestors. The Arturians are seen throughout history in art, archeology, and sculptures around the globe. Eventually, these offspring would mate with the Anunnaki aliens creating the human race as we know it today.
The Arturians taught new humans how to plant, heal, and use medicine from plants - in the dawning of the Age of Virgo. The Arturians are more of the "scientists" of the galaxy.
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